System on Module with CrosslinkU-NX
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Firmware Intro

Quick Start

The tinyvision_zephyr_sdk README provides a condensed list of commands to run to get a working firmware.


On top of the CrossLinkU-NX (LIFCL-33U) FPGA chip provided by Lattice Semiconductor, tinyVision.ai provides:

  • An SoC system is running on it, is using a VexRiscv RISC-V core along with a LiteX allowing it to execute an RTOS (timers, UART, SPI flash...).
  • Then extra peripherals are integrated such as the USB23 core, a I2C controller, and application-specific video processing elements, which can be controlled from the CPU.
  • Zephyr integration through a tinyclunx33_sdk providing a working base system featuring an USB stack, USB23 driver, an USB Video Class and everything needed to provide end-to-end connectivity with host application over USB3 such as a video feed.
  • An optional driver called uvcmanager permitting to reach 3.4 Gbit/s transfer speed end-to-end at the application level, without which it is still possible to run the system at lower bandwidth.

Being completely compatible with Zephyr, firmware for the tinyCLUNX33 can be built given extra configuration files and drivers, using the regular build process of Zephyr.

Firmware Execution

The firmware is run by the system loaded into the FPGA. First, there need to be an FGPA system image loaded into the tinyCLUNX33 flash.

This will contain the definition of the RISC-V CPU system described above, and the firmware will be able to start from address 0x00100000 of the flash. On Linux systems, this second part is handled by the west flash command.

Firmware Examples

The tinyclunx33_zephyr_example repository is an example project that can be used as a starting poing for building new applications.

It is using the same layout as Zephyr example application which allows defining custom drivers directly into the application project directory, allowing the Zephyr upstream repository to be completely unchanged while still customizing everything.

Each of the directory with an app_ is one different example that can be built and loaded on a board.

Firwmare Debugging

Devkit debug USB port and FTDI chip

The FTDI chip present on the Devkit has the following roles:

  • Programming the FPGA system and firmware images in flash.
  • UART access for debug logs and interactive Zephyr shell.
  • JTAG access (work in progresss)

The Zephyr system offers configurable log levels, which can be turned up and down from the prj.conf file of each application.