System on Module with CrosslinkU-NX
No Matches
Zephyr SDK


  • zephyr: A public fork of Zephyr is maintained for contributing patches to the Zephyr Project: the usb3 branch contains modifications that are required for the tinyCLUNX33 to work with USB3, and are in the process of being upstreamed. For everything else, the upstream Zephyr repository is used unchanged.
  • tinyvision_zephyr_sdk The tinyVision Zephyr SDK contains additional drivers implemented by tinyVision.ai that are compatible with upstream Zephyr, which will also be upstreamed in the long term. This allows shipping features long before, without forking the entire Zephyr project.
  • tinyclunx33_zephyr_example: The tinyCLUNX33 Zephyr Example repository is a starting point for new applications, and makes use of the tinyVision Zephyr SDK.

The dependencies are managed the west.yml file. The example repository contains a west.yml that has all the dependencies correctly setup already, and more can be added for integrating 3rd-party code, or splitting a larger codebase in modules.

Nightly builds

One way to be sure to reproduce the results would be the nightly builds, which runs the getting_started_on_linux.sh script every night.

The build status can be seen on the tinyclunx33_zephyr_example README.

Building the firmware

This guide uses the tinyclunx33_zephyr_example sample application named app_shell.

There are several targets for building the firmware, depending on what platform you wish to build on:

  • Shield: tinyclunx33_devkit_rev1, tinyclunx33_devkit_rev2, custom
  • Board: tinyclunx33@rev1, tinyclunx33@rev2
  • SoC: rtl008, rtl009, rtl010, custom

Assuming a Board Rev2, a Devkit Rev2, and SoC RTL010 being used:

  1. Follow the general Zephyr to setup the build environment for your platform: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/develop/getting_started/index.html
  2. Reset the workspace directory you created from Zephyr's Getting Started Guide
    cd ~/zephyrproject
    rm -rf .west
  3. Download the tinyCLUNX33 Zephyr example repository. This will also download the tinyVision Zephyr SDK as a dependency:
    west init -m https://github.com/tinyvision-ai-inc/tinyclunx33_zephyr_example
    west update
  4. Build a sample application from this example repository, for instance app_shell for RTL010.
    cd tinyclunx33_zephyr_example/app_shell
    west build --board tinyclunx33@rev2/rtl010 --shield tinyclunx33_devkit_rev2
  5. Then, program the firmware into the devkit, with the DEBUG interface connected.
    west flash
  6. Disconnect and reconnect the USB ports to power cycle the board, then you can see logs by connecting the DEBUG interface and use the 2nd serial console that shows-up, such as /dev/ttyUSB1 in Linux, at baud rate 156200. Once connected, press the reset switch (SW2 on the Devkit Rev 2) to see the early boot logs appear.

See also SoM Flash for other flash programming options.

You should now be able to see messages through the UART interface, a new USB Video Class (UVC) interface showing-up on your operating system, and if an IMX219 image sensor is connected, a video stream coming out of it.

Including the SDK into your existing project

In case your application was started without using the SDK, you may be interested in adding it as a dependency in west.yml, by adding the following snippet at the bottom of the file:

- name: tinyclunx33_sdk
url: https://github.com/tinyvision-ai-inc/zephyr_internal


The first sign of life from the Zephyr RTOS comes the UART interface, available by plugging the DEBUG USB cable.

In order to get early boot logs, you can hit the SW2 button which will reset the board but keep the serial console attached.

Depending on firmware configuration (see chosen { zephyr,shell-uart = ...; } property of build/zephyr/zephyr.dts), the Zephyr shell will be available over that same UART interface. For the Shell example, this goes through the DATA USB port, /dev/ttyACM0.

These debug commands permit to review the internal state of the USB peripheral, using subcommands of dwc3.

Interactive help is given by entering the help dwc3 comand.

If nothing comes through the UART, see the FPGA troubleshooting section.